Bread and Roses LLC is a first-of-its-kind, worker-owned digital agency dedicated to progressive causes, candidates, and organizations.
Our team of seasoned strategists come from some of the most powerful grassroots programs in the digital space, and are here to run top-tier digital programs.
Email & Fundraising
We run email programs that reflect your voice and values, and refuse to let your list become victim to the typical churn and burn. Small-dollar fundraising, impactful organizing asks, fundraising reports — we’re on top of it.
Social Media Strategy
We run multi-platform social media programs in your voice. We work closely with your team and take digital organizing seriously as a means to let people of all backgrounds, especially marginalized communities, feel seen, heard, and activated.
Digital Advertising
We write copy and design graphics for digital ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and more. We’ll keep a strict eye on early ROI, and don’t spend money for the sake of spending money.
Creative Services
We’ve got amazing in-house design and fundraising strategists who will work to ensure your digital program is cutting edge.
A worker-owned firm dedicated to the well-being of its workers
We run top-tier digital programs without compromising your values.
Labor issues in this industry are often hand-waved away, because “the ends justify the means.”
That is a false choice. We can build power together and do good work without forcing our clients and partners to turn a blind eye to the poor conditions that got us there.
Get In Touch
Are you a campaign, union, or organization interested in working with us?
Are you a talented strategist who would like to join our team?
Please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!